AnyDesk installation for Mac

AnyDesk installation for Mac

Step 1 - Download and launch AnyDesk:
  1. Visit the AnyDesk download page at
  2. Click the Mac icon and when you are ready, click the “Download” button
  3. After opening the downloaded file, a window will appear where you need to drag the application into the Applications folder
  4. AnyDesk will show up in the list of applications within the Applications folder
  5. Now you need to double-click on the AnyDesk application, which will display a confirmation window where you should click the “Open” button

Step 2 - Granting AnyDesk the necessary permissions for special features:
  1. After successful opening, a window will be displayed in which you need to grant permissions
  2. First, click on “Open Screen Recording preferences” and turn on the AnyDesk toggle (it should be blue)
  3. Click on “Quit & Reopen”
  4. Confirm the action with a password or fingerprint
  5. If the changes were successful, a green check mark will appear. You should then click on “Request Accessibility” and turn on the AnyDesk toggle (it should be blue)
  6. Confirm the action with a password or fingerprint
  7. If the changes were successful, two green marks are now displayed. You should then click on “Full Disk Access” and turn on the AnyDesk toggle (it should be blue)
  8. The AnyDesk workspace has been successfully set up

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